phoenix v|tome|x s
The v|tome|x s is a versatile high-resolution system for 2D X-ray inspection and 3D computed tomography (micro ct and nano ct) and 3D metrology. To allow high flexibility, the v|tome|x s may be equipped with a 180 kV/15 W high-power nanofocus X-ray tube and a 240 kV/320 W microfocus tube. Due to this unique combination, the CT system is a very effective and reliable tool for a wide range of applications from extreme high-resolution scans of low absorbing materials as well as for 3D analysis of high absorbing objects.
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Key Features:
- Unique open nanofocus-microfocus dual tube combination possible (180 kV / 15 W high-power nanofocus X-ray tube and 240 kV / 320 W microfocus tube)
- Up to 10 times increased filament lifetime, ensuring long-term stability and optimizing system efficiency by long-life|filament (optionally)
- Up to 2 times faster data acquisition at the same high image quality level by diamond|window (optionally)
- Fast CT acquisition and brilliant live images by high dynamic temperature-stabilized GE DXR digital detector with 30 fps (frames per second) (optionally)
Customer Benefits:
- 3D Metrology package for dimensional measuring with extremely high precision, reproducibility and user-friendliness
- Automated generation of first article inspection reports in < 1 hour possible
- Excellent software modules for extremely high CT quality and ease of use, e.g.:
- High precision and reproducible 3D metrology by click & measure|CT with phoenix datos|x CT software: fully automated execution of CT scan, reconstruction and analysis process
- Accelerated 3D CT reconstruction results within a few seconds or minutes (depending of the volume size) by velo|CT
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